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Showing posts from November, 2021

Flushing a water heater.

  I learned from a plumber that I could be flushing my 40 gallon gas water heater in a more effective way.  Here is the process as it was described to me.  Hook up a hose to the water heater and run it to a bath tub or out a window or door to drain. Turn on the valve a little so the water heat starts to flush & check that water is coming out the other end without a problem.  ***NOTE - Don't turn off the water or the gas, or open the air valve. If there is no leaking or drain issue, turn the water all the way on for 5 minutes and let it run.  This can cause a white substance to build up in the drain area.  This is supposedly calcium that has accumulated in the tank. If the calcium/flush substance is no longer coming out, turn off the water valve and disconnect the hose. Leave a note on the water heater or make a record with the date of the flush & schedule another flush in no more than a year. You are done. Another note - We have a water softener, which is supposed