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Showing posts from June, 2017

NY strip steak on a Traeger

I find it hard to make steak the way I like it on my Traeger.  My preference is called 'Pittsburg' style which is sort of similar to 'black & blue' in that it requires a high temperature to sear the meat on the outside (carbonize it without overcooking the inside which I like rare).  Here are the steps I take to make it the way I like it.  Note step #5 is sort of cheating, but it works for me. Put the Traeger on smoke setting.  After smoke starts,put the steaks on the grill for 20-30 minutes. Get the steak off the grill and crank the temp up as high as it goes. Season the steak with Light oil, salt, pepper, garlic (while waiting for the grill to get up to temperature) Steaks back on the grill & cook at least at 400 degrees for 4 minutes each side Sear on iron skillet on a gas stove for a few seconds until it looks like you want it. Finally, if you want to get unhealthy, you can add clarified butter and put that on the steak while it c

Whole house antenna

  As a recent cord cutter living in close proximity to a metropolitan area, I enjoy over 40 HD channels for free.  Ok, well maybe I only enjoy about 8 of those channels and the others are not so good.   What I really use this for is local channel news and channel flipping.  In any case, to be efficient, I wanted to only have 1 antenna power a TV signal to any coaxial jack in the house - so I searched the web looking for a good example of how to do this.  Unfortunately, google didn't show me what I was looking for, so I experimented on my own & I'm happy with the result.   The challenge - how to use 1 antenna to feed an HD TV signal to all of the TV coaxial jacks in the house (except 1 that I hijack). Here are some of the prerequisites for this project if you approach it my way. Have good coaxial cable throughout the house Have a centralized closet where the coaxial cables in the house all converge. Have an HD Antenna with the range you need for your loc